The Joy of Making Music

Do you want to capture…

There is perhaps no greater joy in life than making music.




As a musician, you surely know the feeling. And as a touring, working musician, you need to convey that feeling  to your potential audience.  Ask yourself….
–Do your promotional materials fully express the infectious spirit of your live performances?
–Do the photos you send to prospective booking agents effectively convey the exhilaration and  transcendence that you can bring to your audience?
–Does your press kit show your future fans and patrons how much fun they’re going to have at your show?
If not, then maybe it’s time to have a professional photographer capture one of your live performances.



My name is Paul, and I have been involved in the music business in Nashville almost since I arrived here in the winter of 1994.

And I have been a photographer for much longer than that.

In the past several years, I’ve started to combine these two personal passions, music and photography.  I’ve been carrying my cameras into all manner of clubs and venues, from the tiniest neighborhood pub to the great downtown arenas.


What I’ve discovered is that I’ve got some knack for capturing the magic  of making music, sometimes under the most difficult of photographic conditions.  Regardless of the dim lighting or the crush of the crowds, I can usually get in sync with the performers and capture those fleeting moments when the transcendence of their performance  flashes across their face.

Here are some examples of what I can do:

Click the “Play” button for sample of my work
hold your cursor over the upper left corner of the frame to identify the perfomers
Now that you’ve seen what I can do,
are you ready  to…

Great!  Then just…

to learn more about my very affordable introductory offer.

Here’s what my clients have to say:



Paul’s photographs capture the unique essence of the event; He has an eye
for making his subjects look really, really good! — Pru Clearwater






“You captured exactly how I feel when I’m playing.” — John Knowles

“You’re the only photographer who’s ever caught me smiling on stage!” — Pete Huttlinger

“That’s the best picture anybody has ever taken of me singing.” — Amber White

“Paul has a stunning photography collection and I am proud to be part of it.” — Sally Barris


By The Way…

I get really memorable photos

as well.

— something to keep in mind as you’re designing your next release or website.

A Service of
Box 210294 – Nashville, TN 37221  ·  615-579-7922  · [email protected]
Are we having fun yet?
