Last Sunday (June 1) I went out to Madison (aka “Northeast Nashville”) to help my friend Nancy Van Reece with some photo coverage of the inaugural Farmer’s Market at the Amqui Station – a vintage railroad depot that Johnny Cash once owned and donated to the city before he died. The depot has been turned into a museum an rec center in the middle of one of the area’s parks, and will host a farmer’s market every Sunday through the summer.
Unfortunately I was totally lax about getting people’s names. Have to work on that…

Setting up the #FarmersMarket @AmquiStation in #MadisonTN #Nashville #farmersmarket #felfie #nashville #organic #picktn #food #foodie #locavore #trainstation #johnnycash #madisontn @foodporn #foodgasm #foodbaby #yummy #hungry #cleaneating #breakfast #lunch #dinner #foodpicks #yum #photooftheday #fitness #digest ©2014 [email protected] aka @driver49 #farmersmarket #felfie #nashville #organic #picktn #food #foodie #locavore #trainstation #johnnycash #madisontn @foodporn #foodgasm #foodbaby #yummy #hungry #cleaneating #breakfast #lunch #dinner #foodpicks #yum #photooftheday #fitness #digest ©2014 [email protected] aka @driver49