Posted to Substack:
McLuhan’s Prism:
DIYO and the Dystopian Imperative to
Do It all Yourself Online
Posted to Substack:
McLuhan’s Prism:
DIYO and the Dystopian Imperative to
Do It all Yourself Online
What say we take this to Substack?
The weekend before the Trump 2.0 Inaugural, I logged out of all my Meta accounts – Facebook, Instagram, Threads. I have started using Substack, and finding it a much more functional and congenial place to hangout online.
The Substack user interface takes some getting used to, but the combination of services – newsletter (“Posts”), social (“Notes”) and built-in email management offers a very enticing combination.
I have already migrated those of you who have been getting my occasional ‘Buster Sez Hey!’ dispatches to Substack’s email service already.
If you’re reading this because you followed the link in an email that went out on Monday January 27, that might be the last “Buster Sez Hey!” and this might be your last look at Buster in this forum:
But I’m sure she’ll show up from time to time on Substack.
Meanwhile things are in a bit of flux.
I expect to post a new essay to my Substack tomorrow (Tuesday Jan 28). Those of you who I migrated to the new platform will get that in its entirety via email.
I aspire to do one such post-by-email per week, though I am already posting more than that to my account. There is also a “Notes” function on Substack which is much more ‘social media’ -like than the platform’s foundational ‘newsletter’ function. The mix seems to work quite well and is far less toxic than those other ad-supported platforms.
And: Already I’m thinking I’m gonna rebrand what I started there under a different banner than the one I’m using now. That I expect to sort out during the week ahead.
I am not going to abandon this site. It costs me next to nothing to keep it running, and there is a lot of material here that goes back a decade, at least. Some of it I’ll repost to my Substack.
This site has always been an isolated, stand alone kind of thing. I don’t get a lot of traffic on Substack yet, but I’m getting more than I have ever gotten here. And Substack does offer the prospect of paid subscriptions, should whatever I do there warrant people paying for it.
So, please follow me into the Substack sunset…
I’m getting ready to go on a two-week road trip – business, family, etc. – back to my old NJ/NY/CT stomping grounds. Before I depart, I’ve been thinking about: what do I really need, what makes any damn difference, and what do I NOT need to clutter my remaining years with.
One conclusion I have arrived at: I do not need multiple ‘social media’ platforms.
Since I re-entered the ‘space’ a few months ago, I really have not done most of what I thought I was going to do (the business-related stuff).
What I HAVE done is… go off the cliff of opening apps and scrolling my life away.
So before I head into the sunrise, I am going to delete Instagram, Threads, Bluesky and even LinkedIn from my iPhone and close all the tabs in my browser. I dunno about y’all, but my experience is: they are redundant, time-sucking engines of narcissism and lunacy.
On the other hand – and against my better instincts – I have gotten some genuine, real-world benefit from returning to Facebook, so I’ll leave that one going for now at least…
…and hope that deleting all these other distractions will somehow diminish the the impulse to poke-and-scroll the one that remains.
As I suspect many readers have gathered by now, I dipped a toe back into “the socials” last week.
Most notably, I reactivated the Facebook account that I deactivated for a variety of reasons back in the spring of 2021.
I remember feeling at the time about Facebook much the wayI felt about Scotch and vodka before I quit drinking (in 1987).
When someone on Facebook said, “he’s back!” I tried to brush it off, replying “I’m here. I’m not sure if I’m ‘back’ yet.”
That is clearly a distinction without a difference.
There are several reasons why I’ve crawled out of my ostrich hole:
1. Business / Advertising: Over the past year and a half, I have had some success promoting my books directly on Amazon. To expand the market,I’ve set up my own virtual bookstore so that I can offer various bundles and deals that I can’t arrange though Amazon. That done, I expect to start testing advertising on Facebook etc. in the near future. Much of that effort is also directed toward…
2. The Video Centennial: Video (the generic term for what started out as just “television”) as we know it arrived on Earth in 1927. We still have three years to mount a campaign to garner for that event the recognition that it truly deserves. I’ve got One Big Idea that is getting my deficit/disordered attention at the moment, and others ideas are percolating as well. I suspect “the socials” could have a significant role to play in those campaigns. To that end, I have also recently created…
3. The Waterstar Foundation: This is something I have pondered for decades and now it’s really happening. I have created a non-profit and obtained the 501c3 tax-exempt status from the IRS. I don’t know what role Facebook will have in that initiative; LinkedIn might prove more useful in the long run. But that, too would be part of my return to the arena.
4. I missed the memes – and sharing them with my sister.
Here are a few observations from a week of being back in the digital swamp:
It sure seems to me that Facebook features a lot more eye candy and click bait. I mean, what on earth are they trying to tell me here? Why is Facebook asking me “What’s on your mind?” – and then suggest the answer? Inspiring Stories?? Where do I even start???
I know… by scrolling into the infindibulum. I‘ll write when I find work.
There is also much more emphasis now on… well, of course…. video (please see #2 above, and, Zuck you can send your tax-deductible $1-million contribution to [link to come] – because you wouldn’t have a business without video; Facebook would be a radio call-in show.).
Now my displays are filled with short-video cliffhangers – the weird, dire, and bizarre: A truck about to roll off a cliff… a house about to fall into a raging river.. somebody on a skateboard about to wipe out a pedestrian… time-lapsed clips of insanely elaborate woodworking projects… etc. etc. Just enough footage to get me to click-click-click my one-and-only life away.
In the couple of days before I posted this, after all the horrific flooding from Hurricane Helene, the feed has been filled with ‘Reels’ of biblical flooding. Turns out they’re from India, Pakistan… all over the world.
But… do we really need Reels and Stories? Who thought that was a good idea?
I look at this stuff, because that’s what 21st century cyborgs do. Zuckerberg damn well knows that. He’s made billions from P.T. Barnum’s adage.
… is the trolling, and the impossible-to-ignore impulse to engage.
Like this colorful exchange I couldn’t resist, starting with an inane meme from somebody whose name I don’t even recognize: …to which I could not resist replying:
Pretty fucking clever, don’t ya think? But, of course… on it goes:
So much for civil discourse. I must remember: “what you posted there really got me to thinking ” – said bnobody, ever.
But sure. I’ll start listening to ‘patriots’ like Larry – whose name is actually Harry.
And I gotta mention this: Over this past weekend I saw a re-post that inferred that the catastrophic flooding in east Tennessee and west North Carolina was caused by the “elites” who possess secret weather control technology, and that Hurricane Helene was deliberately directed over “hundreds of pro-Trump counties … during the most important election of our lifetimes.”
Who believes this stuff? And more to the point, if I’m going to surrender to the Borg this way, how do I limit my exposure to people who are clearly nutz – while also making room for viable ideas or opinions that might be different from my own?
That said, I intend to make a concerted effort to avoid posting or commenting on political stuff. Wish me luck with that.
Within hours of sticking my virtual head up, I received a message from some old, actual friends I hadn’t actually seen in at least a decade. Former neighbors, they live in another state now. Lo and behold they saw something I posted and let me know they were in the area for a few days. The next morning we went for a hike around Radnor Lake.
In the week since, I have had several other meaningful contacts and renewals.
So that part of the initiative may have some actual merit. However…
The challenge is filtering all the rest of the #NoiseNoiseNoise.
Even harder is regulating my own behavior around the endless scrolling. Despite more than three years of abstinence, I’m still “just a poke away from scrolling all day.”
And then there is the actual experience of getting back onboard. With Facebook in particular, the process has been an arcane succession of dead ends, error messages and mystery settings.
When I first ventured forth, Facebook denied access to my long-dormant account. It kept sending a verification code “to your MacBook.” Huh? I was on my MacBook. Where the hell is the code? Well, it turns out I had to be logged into Facebook in order to retrieve the code I needed to login to Facebook.
Translation: “to retrieve password, enter password.”
It took another several days to figure out how to make my posts visible to anybody other than myself. Because that’s really useful. Very social, don’t you think?
This addresses the bionic times we live in, where we are attached to these gizmos all day long but they are not yet physically plugged into our bodies. And it illustrates an hypothesis that I’ve stated many times:
1. We’re expected to do everything by ourselves (from checking out groceries to paying for parking);
2. Before we can do anything by ourselves, we have to figure out how to do it – also by ourselves.
3. Once we’ve figured out how to do it, too often… it just doesn’t. fucking. work. Or it’s a scam, a fake, or a fraud.
And still we wonder why people will vote for a moron/clown like Trump. Like he could fix anything?
For the record, those observations are pure McLuhan. The medium is the message. While we’re all envy-scrolling other people’s fabulous vacations, perfect husbands/wives and children, their devoted pets and fabulous meals, the real impact of all this is far more subliminal.
But, by all means, scroll on…
––What actually gets any traction in these environments? In the week since I’ve rejoined the virtually living, I’ve posted a couple of cartoons and one or two relatively genuine/serious rants, but what gets the most traction is pictures of my cat. And Molly Tuttle’s hat.
––My ‘network’ is full of people I do not really know – 1,800 ‘friends’ of which maybe, what, 20% are people I actually know?
––As Buddy Mondlock wrote: “I’m the kid who always looked out the windows….” No need to look out the windows anymore. I can just scroll forever through the digital looking-glass.
––As alluded to earlier, social media can be useful for staying in touch with actual people and could, with an effort to get off the couch, contribute to a more active and diverse actual social life. But staying ‘in touch’ is filled with endless distractions, deceptions, clickbait, trolls and clown shows.
––These platforms feed on the best of human impulses –and turn them into the worst of human impulses. I mean: I posted something witty and profound five whole minutes ago. How come I don’t have any likes or comments yet??? And who are all these trolls who snuck into my world as ‘friends’?
––What is all this? Why am I still scrolling? What am I looking for hoping to find??
––The algorithm seems to know I’ve been single for a while. My “People you may know” is filled with attractive women – that I do not know. Am I supposed just randomly send them friend requests? If I click on enough of them, can I get a date? Is this better or worse than Bumble/Tinder (Binder? Tumble?). That’s a rhetorical question. Pretty girl! Squirrel!
––I guess the lesson here is that in the 21st century, our lives have to be both on-and-offline. Living a balanced, active and engaged life seems to require surrendering to the algorithm and becoming part of The Borg.
That point – that life in the 21st century is bionic, both real and virtual – was driven home last Saturday night (Sept 28).
First I saw this ‘random’ post on Facebook:
Steve Allen (not to be confused with this Steve Allen) is somebody I know peripherally. I’ve seen him perform with The Long Players, our paths have crossed on occasion, we’ve spoken a time or two but he has no reason to know me as well as (I think) I know him. He’s the kind of guitar player who still feeds my septuagenerian teenage fever dreams, so it pleases me to know him even virtually.
So I see his post about putting on a Beatles show. I was reluctant to leave the house yesterday on accounta all the rain and the horror stories from other parts of the region, but ventured forth to run a couple of errands and, as long as I was out, went to the show.
And had a blast.
The ‘Beaatedudes’ at Rosies Twin Keg on Thompson Lane. How cool that you can live in a place for 25 years and still not know all the hot-spots.
I ran into several people I had not seen in ages, caught up on their travels, commiserated over recent losses, made some ‘real-time’ contact with a couple of ‘virtual’ friends and enjoyed a tasty greasy-spoon cheeseburger and fries.
And I posted a video clip to Facebook.
Now the challenge is to just comfy with a new-ish ‘online persona’… that other personality that we all have to conjure and live with now.
So yeah. I’m back.
For now, anyway.
We’ll see what the algorithm giveth and taketh away.
Before you go, please enjoy “The Kid,” the aforementioned song by Buddy Mondlock:
Everybody fire up yer radios!
Wednesday night – well, actually, Thursday morning – I will be a guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show with host George Noory.
Coast to Coast “…airs on over 600 affiliates, and has repeatedly been called the most popular overnight show in the country.” The audience is said to reach in millions despite the bizarre hour – I’ll be on from 2-4AM Central!
I first learned of “Coast to Coast AM” back in the early ‘aughts. After I’d first published the Farnsworth bio – and embarked on my new career as the “biographer of obscure 20th century scientists” with the Townsend Brown project – I started hearing about this fringe-topic, all-night radio show, at the time hosted by the legendary Art Bell.
It’s only taken twenty-some years, but I’ve finally been invited to appear on the show.
And, yes, the program has its share of critics who take issue with its coverage of “pseudohistoric and pseudoscientific ideas,” but I’m entirely comfortable with the forum. I know that I’m going in with actual history and a pretty healthy sensibility re: where the science gets to the edge of pseudo. So I’m looking forward to a lively conversation.
If by some strange happenstance you are awake at that ungodly hour, see if you can find a station near you from these listings.
Next stop: Joe Rogan!
CYA on the radio !!
Some of you know that for the past couple of months I have been ‘laser focused’ (I actually hate that expression, but it does seem to express the ADHD way I go at some things) on the presentation I delivered to The Cosmic Summit on Saturday June 15.
I have to admit that being part of something called “The Cosmic Summit” seemed a bit… daunting? … but in fact it was a very successful and engaging weekend. I met a lot of interesting people and felt at times like I’d found my tribe.
There were also times I was glad I was wearing my ‘tin foil hat.’
The entire conference was live streamed. I recorded the live stream and did some editorial work before uploading the result to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. I may have jumped the gun with all that, because I’m told now that eventually I will get a higher-resolution recording for my own use, in which case I’ll probably have to do all the editing again, but in the meantime I am sharing this with my inner circles.
The biggest wrinkle in the actual presentation was the set up on stage.
I ran through the whole thing like 20 or 30 times in order to commit as much of it as possible to memory. When I did those rehearsals, for some reason (probably a photo I saw of last year’s conference) I thought I’d have a laptop on the lectern in front of me.
So when I practiced, I had everything on the one screen: the presentation on one side of the screen, the script on the other side. That’s how I practiced, imagining a laptop on the lectern and the audience just above-and-beyond, so that it would be easy to glance at the screen and continue directly eyeball-to-eyeball with the audience.
I discovered the night before the presentation that the stage was about three feet high – and my reference monitor was on the floor below and at the foot of the stage! Who thought that was a good idea?!?
So that’s why I’m ‘looking down’ a lot – and why I did all the editing I did – to hide all the looking at the floor.
Where I am reading from the monitor (on the fucking floor eight feet below my eye level!) I edited the frame to fill the screen with the slides themselves rather than the two panel view –with the slide on one side and the idiot looking at the floor on the other side.
Despite line-of-sight challenges, the whole thing went about as well as it possibly could. I didn’t see all the other presentations, but those that I did see were mostly “put up a slide, talk about it, put up another slide, talk about that, rinse and repeat for an hour.” This one has an actual story… the proverbial beginning, middle and end (#NotSoHumbleBrag).
I’ll admit, there were moments while I was putting this together where I thought it just wasn’t gonna happen, that I was going to have to call the promoter for the conference and back out.
Eventually it dawned on me what I needed to do: take a very personal approach to all this science and history and what drew me into it in the first place. Once I dropped in this slide:
…then all the work, stories, ideas, theories and conclusions started falling together.
This is what all I have been ruminating on for the entirety of my adult life.
Judges, y’all let me know if I stuck the landing…
And, now that I’ve ‘got my act together’, I’d like to take it on the road….
As Philo-The-Third told me, his father – Philo T. Farnsworth The Second – had ‘two major cases in his life.
The first was electronic video. You wouldn’t be looking at this if he hadn’t cracked that one back in the 1920s.
Over the course of the next thirty-plus years, Farnsworth gained as much first-hand knowledge about the practical workings of the quantum realm as anybody who worked at Los Alamos. In fact, he was invited to participate in The Manhattan Project, but declined the invitation, telling his wife “I want nothing to do with building an atomic bomb.”
Instead, in the 1950s and 60s, he used his experience and singular insight to conceive and build something not even the assembled wizards at Los Alamos could fathom: a controlled nuclear fusion device, a ‘start in a jar.
This second preview from The Boy Who Invented Television recounts the moment he figured it out:
The audiobook edition is now available on Amazon or Audible.
Y’all get yer ears on!
So that I could just put it all in one place…
Little Green Boat – the poem I mentioned I wrote that describes how everybody in the neighborhood knew what was going on except us kids.
Eulogy for Harvey Schatzkin – delivered by his physician at the funeral none of the kids attended.
First Darlings – There is a book (or something) in the works with all this material, built around the letters that Harvey and Ellen wrote to each other in 1943. This is how the correspondence started.
Brigadoon – the Broadway musical (and film) about “…two American tourists who stumble upon a mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every 100 years.” I remember now why that storyline has stayed with me all these years: the high school in our town did a production of Brigadoon at the end of the semester in the spring of 1962. It was that summer that they “sent me to camp for the summer… and moved while I was away.”
Return to Brigadoon – an essay I wrote about those years.
And for whatever amusement value it might have, here’s the trailer for the film, which was released in 1954:
Arthur, Harvey and Paul ca. 1953. The kid on the right is the only one still living.
Not shown: mother Ellen, sister Dorothy aka Dotsie
September 30, 1958
Ellen has asked me to say a few words today because Harvey would have wished it. Harvey knew me well enough to know that I could not speak beautiful, flowery words. I think he would be pleased with what I shall say, for I only can speak the truth, in simple and heartfelt language. Anyone knowing Harvey would know that he would only want the truth. His honesty was shown throughout all his relationships and throughout all his dealings with his fellow men. I only wish I had Harvey’s gift for writing to help me express myself.
Unfortunately, it is my role as a doctor to be with people in times of suffering and crises. Many times, while in hospital training, in the Army, and in private practice, I have seen courage in the face of pain and death, but never have I had a patient like Harvey Schatzkin. And I say this from the bottom of my heart.
For three years Harvey knew he had a fatal disease – never once did he bemoan his fate. Never did he complain or cry out “why did this happen to me?” He did not waste time in self-pity. Instead he planned for the future – for his wife and children and for his employees. During these last months, when he was bed-ridden and suffering, I would find business magazines on his bed. He was reading current literature and planning so that he could go back to work with fresh ideas.
Those of you who work for Harvey know what a fair man Harvey was. Although president of a company he was nevertheless, on the side of labor. I had heard them discuss this often. The supervisors of the Architectural Tiling Company loved him as I did – I have talked to them and I know.
What strength of mind – what faith – to go on planning for his future at such a time. And what pride! With a temperature of over 105°, Harvey shaved himself the day before he passed away. Literally in his dying moments, he put out his hand to shake hands with me and say, “how’m I doing, Coach?” I think this gesture, more than anything, broke my heart.
At times when I went to visit Harvey, I believe he did more for me than I did for him. With his sense of humor and his literary gift, he would write a poem or some short commentary on hospital life or medicines. I shall always cherish those memento’s. I would feel the strength of this man who, unable to even sit up, could find the warmth and humor in himself to compose a few verses to make his doctor and his family and nurses smile.
Not only did I love and respect Harvey, but the nurses in the hospital loved him, too. They could not do enough for him – not because he demanded it but only out of the desire to help this man who never raised his voice to them or anyone.
Harvey’s parents, his sister Elinor, his wife Ellen, and Arthur, Paul, and Dotsie, know Harvey’s kindness and love. He was an ever dutiful and loving son and brother – never causing his parents anxiety or worry. Always showing respect and affection. Mr. and Mrs. Schatzkin will find comfort at this sad time in knowing that they produced such a son – beloved by all who knew him.
To Ellen Harvey gave himself. No woman could have a more devoted and thoughtful husband. No children can have a more patient and loving and understanding father. The relationship between Ellen and Harvey was beautiful and enduring. Just as Harvey had comforted and aided Ellen during the years of their marriage so did Ellen aid and comfort Harvey when he needed her so much these last months.
For a moment I must speak of Ellen’s courage. Ellen knew Harvey’s condition but never did she falter, never did she break down. God was good to Ellen for he gave her Harvey. And God was good to Harvey for having given him Ellen. Tragic that this relation should have ended in such a short time – but how much better than if it had never existed.
Not often in a lifetime does one meet such a person as Harvey Schatzkin. His many friends feel is passing deeply. Harvey was a true friend. He did no one ill because he wished no one ill. He practiced no guile because he was incapable of guile.
And so, Harvey, the good, the kind, the gentle, sensitive, intelligent young man is gone from us. And yet not altogether and entirely. He who touches what is warm and luminous must carry away with him something of warmth and light.
In the hearts and minds of all who knew and loved Harvey something of his goodness will remain forever. All of us are, I am sure, somehow better gentler mature people for having had the privilege of his companionship, so brief, yet so wonderful.
(This eulogy was delivered by… Dr. Rubin? I don’t know his full name nor in what capacity he treated Harvey – oncologist? general practitioner/internest? I have no recollection of the occasion because… I was not there. None of the kids were included in the funeral.)
More than fifty years after I first heard of Philo T. Farnsworth (in the summer if 1973)…
More than twenty years after The Boy Who Invented Television was first published…
And a year after it was re-published (after the release of The Man Who Mastered Gravity)…
There is finally going to be an audiobook edition!
Once the book was re-released last year, I considered several options for converting it to an audiobook. I auditioned several narrators via the Audible platform at Amazon, but finally opted to do the reading myself after enlisting the production assistance of Robert Lane, the creator of a program called “Your Book, Your Voice.”
I started working with Robert back in January. It has taken the better part of the past four months to get the project done. Each week I would read and record several chapters. I sent the files to Robert, he edited and mastered them and uploaded them to Audible.
I found the experience of reading and recording the text quite gratifying*, to hear how the way I write sounds like the way I talk and vice-versa.
We finished all the uploads this week and have submitted the project to Audible for review. I expect the production to go ‘live’ before the middle of May.
Keep an eye on the Amazon sales page, the audiobook will show up there the minute it’s approved.
*when I wasn’t wondering “why am I still grinding on this material, much of which I first wrote more than 50 years ago!” ♂️