This is the 1949 Chevy Pickup that I got for myself back in 1999 when I sold to Gaylord Entertainment. I don’t get to drive it much, it’s really a ridiculously impractical vehicle on today’s roads. It starts to shake itself to death at about 55MPH. I in the 15 years I’ve had this truck I have taken it on an interstate exactly once, and it was the scariest four miles I ever drove
But every spring, I take the truck across town in order to get my lawnmower serviced, and this year I went on a gorgeous beginning of spring day that just made driving an old truck with no radio a sheer pleasure.

What I’m driving around #nashvilleTN today. #chevy #oldtruck #antique #didsomethingright#nashville #nashvilleguru #igersnashville #heartnashville #nashvilleinstagram # #nashvillegram #nashvegas #tennesseeinstagram #tennessee #musiccityliving #musiccityusa #musiccity #615 #nashvillescene #nashvillelife
©2015 [email protected] aka @driver49
©2015 [email protected] aka @driver49